2020 まとめ


  • コロナ


  • 転職

1月時点では未移行だが、現職の上長には半年前頃に後任の要請し、粛々と引継ぎを4カ月程実施中。結果的に19年末の人生初のインフル罹患からの就活@ヤンゴンから、20年末まで、細く長くのつもりがかなりtail heavy で通年転職活動をしていた。人生双六のバシルーラ枠に自分から飛び込んでいったような決断で経済的には完全に悪手じゃろ(というか狂気の沙汰レベル)。経緯を端的に述べるのは難しいのだが、雇われ人としての自分のキャパの限界と天井が見えた+「エトランゼになりたい青い鳥症候群」発症に起因。うだつのあがらない事務屋・似非官僚太郎を継続したところで、会社員の融資枠が堅実に積み上がるのと微々たる雇われ人給与が微増する位のメリットしかないので(前者はかなり痛いが。。)、このロジックを積み上げただけでは到底たどり着く事がない決断を塞翁が馬とするしかないので、退路を断った(つもりでは個人的には思ってないが、「おれは丸の内属性を辞めるぞー。ジョジョー!!」のような社会的な見られ方をする認識はある)晴々しさはある。人生経験としてはキメラ並みに稀有なハイブリッドなので、この選択をプラスに変えていくように行動していく。また、詳細はかけないのだが、個人の選択が当人が思わぬ所まで波及効果を及ぼす事の一端を垣間見た(他人様に億単位で経済的損失を被らせる一歩手前だった)。割り切ってしまえば他人事として見て看ぬフリはできたのだが、当方にもしこりの残らない形で来世のための徳積みができたので良しとする。

  • 不動産


  • 株式・ETF投資というか投機

投資というより投機的ギャンブル。上半期は200万くらい儲かって、下半期は損確を余儀無くされた事もあり、500万位すった。。ツイッターで投機判断するのは完全に悪手。儲かったのは: 原油、インデックス、日経インバで、損したのは: VIX(入りが最悪、含み損維持)、米国ワクチン(入るのも出るのも悪手、ただ被害額は50万未満)など

  • 甥っ子・姪っ子との交流


  • としまえん: 閉鎖前に行けなかった。結構頑張ってお久の人(が大多数だが)に声かけたものの結実せず。人望の無さが露呈してダブルパンチ。
  • クライミングは大晦日にジムも含めて丸2年ぶり(19年1月の城ケ崎以来)に河又で1日のみ再開。10a(ミヤザキミドリ)が登れず再開への機運が一気に萎える(怪我だけしなくてよかった)。ジムで3か月は登り込みしないと話にならなそう(だが後は外岩の楽しさでリハビリできそう)。大学の先輩と登ったが、私以上に単身拗らせぶりが垣間見えて同朋意識が芽生えた。


  • 白髪。コロナ前に同僚(女性)に指摘され、油がかった頭頂部から一本ちぎってもらう様お願い(省みるとセクハラ)するものの抜けず、帰宅後確かめると完全なアルバイノが1本際立つ。抜いても白く再生するので、最近は前向きに中2位でほぼ頭真っ白だったKれ君、K村君とかを思い出して無駄な内省マウントとってる。(本当は白髪を愛でる心の余裕が欲しい)
  • 株で300万超損確定(レバも先物も暗号資産もやってないし、これからもやりません。ふぁっくっ!)
  • 東武アーバンパークライン・スカイツリーライン(野田線・伊勢崎線)利用: 一回きりのご縁となるかと思ったらズブズブの関係となってしまった。
  • 車エリアの物件見学: 車手配やガソリン代が結構かかる(高速は使わない)ほか廉価物件が多いので、コストを意識してしまい、相当重い腰を上げなければならない。
  • 初退去のご連絡(8月): いつかは来るとわかっていたが、出費でおなか痛くなって途中から麻痺してくるのは含み損と同じ。
  • 脱糞の夢(とのTwitter備忘メモ。このブログ全体への問いかけだがマジ誰得)
  • 北海道以外の仙台以北(青森+岩手)訪問。メディアテークを擁する(特に他意はない)仙台は大都市である事を実感。
  • (お初じゃないけど)フリースタイルダンジョン終了: 深夜の極上の愉しみロスは大きく、後任のティーチャーは数回見てドロップしてしまった。
  • 都内某図書館にて、ゲルマン系の見た目と名前を擁した方が流暢な日本語で受付を担当してて、久しぶりに国内外で蓄積したracial heuristicsがバグるoutlierとの出逢いに感動してしまう中秋の午後
  • 口内炎をニキビ見たいに口内で潰せた記念日(11月6日)
  • バリウム検査: 酸っぱい顆粒を飲まされたあと(胃を膨らませるため)、割と美味しいバリウム(空きっ腹に流体を流しこんで観察するため)を飲み込んで、上下左右する機会の上で回ったり横向いたりする。イッツァスモールワールド並みにアトラクション感あって楽しいが、指示された体位をすぐ取れないと圧をかけられるので、雇われ人の被マイクロマネージ感が思い起こされる。ただ、胃カメラの生殺与奪権握られてる感よりは心地良い。
  • 骨密度検査: 5000円位の病院・クリニックもあったが、ケチって1,650円のクリニックで実施。ツボがない足ツボマットみたいなものに、片足(のみ)の踵両端にジェルをつけて秒くらいで(恐らく振動の反響を見て)終わる。明らかにこんなもので、検案の膝の骨が分かる訳もなく、健康検査はケチるものではないと学習。
  • ラブホ利用(誰得だが、やはりメモラブルなので)。やはり入店は緊張し、相方もお初なので嫌がっていたがマスクが後押ししてくれた。部屋に入ると思った以上にアメニティや見かけもしっかりしているのだけれど、若干湿り気を感じるのは、安宿だからだと思量(この類の廉価施設に共通。。)この施設を利用する方のバックグラウンド探ってみたい。期限付きの交際も至って順調。来年(本年)は両者とも転身なので、また独り身。


  • 鬼滅の刃 無限列車編: 煉獄さん映画は1年以上の期待を裏切らず、興行収入にも裏打ち(入場者特典で釣られている感あるが)されているように傑作。最初はピンとこなかった「炎」も鑑賞後に染みてきて、年末の紅白では煉獄さん国葬の様相。21年1月時点で3回鑑賞済。天気の子は確か4回。(高校生から10年位後にレミゼを観るまで乾ききってしまった心が)最近は三十路を超えどんどん涙脆くなる。ただ、最近はフィクションでしか感動ができなくなってしまった模様。起伏なくうだつが上がらない人生にしんみり引き戻されるPost鑑賞のVoid館に包まれながら、帰宅の途に現実を噛み締める。戦闘シーンは特に圧巻で、本作を世に送り出してくれた関係者(特に末端構成員)にはたんまりお金落としてほしい(便乗ビジネスではなく)
  • NCIS(Naval Criminal Invesigation Service) : 17シーズンを凡そキャッチアップ。脚本が秀逸。DinnozzoやZivaの掛け合いに脂が乗ってたSeason5-9がお好み
  • 半沢直樹: 鬼滅、Jojoに通じる、不条理な逆境下でも最大限頑張る人間への賛歌のテーマがあって好き。歌舞伎演出はもっと好き。前作時は新卒で砂漠でひいこら言ってた時期なので、観ていないが是非みてみたい。
  • パラサイト: 圧倒的エンターテインメント。解釈やメッセージ云々を語るのは恐らく創り手自身も出来ないし不粋。ただ傑作なのは明らか。オスカーの前に観た!(というどうでもよい先見の明アピール)
  • Free Solo: 般ピーがクライマーを変人扱いする様に、この種(オノルド氏は完全にOutlierだが)の人種は量産クライマーからしたら5ノッチ位狂ってる(が人となりがわかる日常の断片も記録してていい)。家購入シーンでの「(寝るのは)床の方がいいかな」というのと崖の中腹のコスプレ男にはツボッた。
  • コンフィデンスマンJPプリンセス編(19年末にヤンゴン便で見た前作の三浦さんの赤いスーツがとにかく印象的だった。合掌。。Crazy Rich Asianのオマージュなどがあり、狙って滑稽にしていてサブくないエンタメ性があって好き)
  • ナウシカ: 金曜ロードショーで初めて通して観た。勿論良い作品なのだが、当時のエポックメイキング感をタイムリーに感じられないのが残念なのと、最後のシーンで村のばぁばぁのセリフが解釈/講釈を押し付けられている感があって若干消化不良。自然は意味や目的をSpoonfeedしてくれることはないからねぇー
  • カメラを止めるな: NHKで監督のインタビューを見て、プライムで。噂に違わず良作。忘れた頃に何回か観たい。
  • Bohemian Rhapsody: コロナ禍で名作Box Office作品がリバイブしてた時期(7月)に劇場で。ライブ部分がやはり良かったのだが、ドラマ部分が省かざるを得なかったのか、そもそも常人離れした人生なので、正直余り響かなかった。ただ序盤の”Never take if off”と終盤の”I got it”のシーンが良かった(との記載あるが、記憶は朧げ)Lip Singなのか気になったがやはりそうらしい。
  • 泣きたい私は猫をかぶる: ヨルシカに釣られる。繊細なティーンの機微はもうわからないオッサンになってしまった。千と千尋オマージュあり?
  • 20年年明け休みの鬼滅一気見と同じく本年年明けは呪術廻戦を一気観(といっても13話のみ)。最近/これから人気になるマンガは圧倒的画力に支えられたアニメから人気に火が付くパターンが垣間見える。
  • 音楽では新規にはまったのは藤けいこ(漂う哀愁が何とも。娘さんは疑い余地ない稀代の大シンガーだが、個人的にはこの哀愁のが好き)以外は、ヨルシカ、King Gnuなど最近のものだけ。「かつて天才だった俺たちへ」は一番響いたかもしれないが、Creepy Nutsがアングラから、完全に地上に巣立ってしまった元年なので少し寂しい。
  • 本は全然読まなかった。財務諸表、不動産、税金の入門本を幾つか斜め読み(全然身になっていない気も)。「風のマジム」などは読み易く面白かったが、記憶は朧げ。(今年はなるべく読んで記録取る)


  • 大宮: 下車するのは初(以前ケチって大宮で新幹線下車して、埼京線で池袋まで出た際にホームに足を下した経験はあり)26番線位まであるメガターミナルに驚愕。東口のわいがや感も池袋っこにはこれ愛おしい。大宮から上り、下り(高崎・宇都宮vs埼京・京浜東北)とか言われるとコンパス狂う。
  • 東武アーバンパークライン(野田線): 七里、大和田、北大宮
  • 東武スカイツリーライン(伊勢崎線): 竹ノ塚(メルカリの自転車引き渡しで日暮里から舎人ライナーを下る。昼なので月曜から夜更かしのカオス感は感じれず)越谷、新越谷、春日部、一ノ割、武里、東武動物公園
  • 東武東上線: (どの駅もお初じゃないけど)池袋―成増間をよくチャリで往復した。
  • 西武線: 入曽(雪降る中の狭山茶畑)、秋津/新秋津(武蔵野線乗り換え)
  • 埼玉他: 土呂(大宮横なのにやけに閑静)、東大宮、南与野、与野本町、北与野、中浦和
  • 千葉(雑): 北柏、柏(小学校の林間学校を再訪)、五井(大学の同窓を新卒直後に訪ねた以来、記憶から抹消されていた)、北小金、馬橋、
  • 神奈川: 反町、白楽、東白楽(なぜ此方が西=横浜寄り?)、登戸、中野島
  • 東京他: 調布、深大寺、国分寺、恋ヶ窪、西国分寺、南千住(松尾芭蕉の奥の細道はここかららしい)、水元公園(バカでかいし、メタセコイアの景観が素敵)
  • その他: 桐生(絹産業で栄えた面影はいずこに。。)、太田(スバル城下町で歓楽街が苦戦しつつもまだ健在している)、佐久平(ほぼ通り過ぎただけ)、八戸、岩手某所
  • 海外に滞在・訪問しなかった年は高校3年以来の模様。歳取ったのもあるけど、海外は「ここではないどこか」だから魅力的なのだよなー。。





40歳超、下手したらアラフィフのHonda Cityラストラン。お世話になりました。

Honda City (110 km/hr を超えると空中分解しそうになる)


敗色濃い難敵が跋扈する中、10年単位で孤軍奮闘する勇姿を近すぎず遠すぎず眺めていたんだ (牛丼War@茗荷谷)










Clueless in Doha 2013

The visual chronicle of a blunt life of a greenhorn who was transported to the city of ostentation with inchoate infrastructures, and still being clueless.

May 2013


West Bay, Doha
Cornische, Doha
Tornado Tower
Unduly colorful buildings
Queue to shopping mall
Ice Skating Rink inside “City Center”
“City Center” Entrance

On the surface, the city seems ostentatious, but a closer look reveals something further.
West Bay

Potentially fatal near miss

[Notes in June]
Having successfully, but not intentionally, failed to meet up with the expectations placed on me in terms of work performances, the workloads and mental pressure that had seemed ginormous in the last month, somehow seem manageable for now. The change has been so drastic that I am not sure whether I should celebrate or get disappointed.
Anyhow, the last 2 months has been long enough to transform the premonition I had: “I might not be able to flourish in the corporate world”, into a crystal-clear conviction. However, I wouldn’t let this realization hold me back, and at least I will try to minimize my helplessness so as not to affect work of others.
As for the private life, I have no life and I suppose this is how it should be for a clueless newbie who gets undeserved salary and fringe benefits, and contributes none: literally unblemished zero, to the increase of shareholder value of the company.

15 June 2013



It also rains in Doha, and the drainage is poor
Despite campaigning, there is practically & absolutely no speration of trash/garbage in Qatar. (電池も空瓶も生ゴミも一緒くたに捨てられる)






Except for major sites, address is non-existent in Qatar, so the specifying location is a bit tricky here.

Boutique Hotel in Souq Waqif

Souq Waqif @ Friday

Japan vs Iraq (2014 FIFA World Cup Asian Qualifier @ Al Arabi SC Stadium, 11-Jun 2013)

90 QAR (約 3,300円)


[Notes in July]
Contrary to my preference of being secluded from any off-the-job socialization, I have been obliged to attend with frequent outings or team building sessions with colleagues. Given the choice, I would probably somewhat distance myself from mingling with coworkers during non-office hours, but it has been pretty pleasant to have been around with the folks (of close age) from Japan. Self-imposed isolation seems to have been long enough for me to drop my pretense of being a social misfit. After all, I cherish being with people.
What I despise; however, when it comes to close interaction with people is that my flaws (too romanticized to call them as “foibles”) become plainly obvious and more accentuated in light of others.
This nagging disinclination of juxtaposing shabby myself next to the charms and graces of others, has been always around and prevented me from hopping onto social interplays that would have brought more serendipities otherwise.
All in all, this is the month I have come to recall the joy of getting in touch with people, and I dare to embrace all the troubles accompanying with it (at least for now).

28 July 2013


滞在先には範馬倅とMr. Unchainedがやりあったと思しき跡が散見される
初散髪@Musherib, Doha
A mixed feeling of apprehension and excitement. でも人生で2回だけ行った日吉の美容院に比べたらへっちゃら。隣に居たパキスタン人のおっちゃんにずっと中国人という体で話していたけど、帰り際に”じゃあなmy friend”と言ってくれたのがなんかほっこりした。20QR.

Musherib Development
Museum of Isramic Arts
I Thought Human Representation is banned, but some exception might apply
Aqua/Iron Man
It was before MERS pandemonium..
Sunrise behind a mock Fujiyama @ Fuwayri


Picture depicting human cruelty and vainglory..
First wedding invitation ever received.

Pictures on National Day (18-Dec)

National Day (18-Dec) Cornische
National Day (18-Dec) Souq Waqif
National Day (18-Dec) Firework




Trifling woes of a newly conscripted salaryman






On getting stuck and moving on

Caveat: A random grossly sappy scribble below. Granted, this is partially meant for the silly attention-seeking purpose, but more of capturing what I feel at this moment for future reference.


I’m about to leave the city in which I was born and raised, and unlike previous cases, I am yet to know when I would be able to come back. This should serve as an excuse for getting nostalgic.

Looking back how things came about so far, the only consistency in my life has been inconsistency.

My fickleness and the lack of tenacity to stick it out, surely contributed to the spontaneity in my life.

Basically, I have let my life evolve as it drifts and the justifications for my decisions have been mostly concocted in hindsight.

Along the way, some people came into my life and many of them have walked away.
The reciprocal nature of human interactions doesn’t allow us to engage in every social connection that we have forged to the same degree.

My disinclination to sever social connections clearly exists, but my curiosity to explore things that I have yet to encounter is also real, at this another juncture of my life. The problem is they are inherently conflicting, if not incompatible.

I view a life is to strike out the balance between these two.

The growing sense of detachment and aloofness is not pleasant, but more often than not, my stupid laziness or external expediencies (under the pretense of being hectic) prevails over the effort to stay in touch. I should have put more effort in holding them tight and vivid.

However hard I try to defy, hypocrisy has been my survival instinct. It’s so entrenched to the point of making it impossible for me to ditch it. Because of this insecurity within, it usually takes long time for me to genuinely open up my mind to others, and the chances are that I would probably not be able to forge genuince social ties with others in the future (given how spontaneous I have become).

I recognize the self-aggrandizing effort of dramatizing my petty existence is negligible in the eyes of others and worth paying zero attention.

My tiny universe has been evolving around me, not anyone else.
The obsession with myself and the paranoia associated with will probably be around as long as I care to engage in the world/society under which I operate.

“Thank You” note & my update

After having gone through the 15 months-long job search, I have finally got an offer.

Given my immaturity and gullibility, this could have been easily predicted, but I would be lying if I said the seemingly unending job search has not been tough.

Simultaneously however, the period has given me the acute sense of how much support I have been given over the course of my life and how merciful of you who have tolerated my petty existence. 

I will be working in Doha from April onward, and will be there at least for a couple of years.

Those of you who are in Tokyo, let me catch you up face-to-face one last time if our schedules mesh, which is pretty difficult though, as I have to depart sometime in a few weeks.

So, let me know if you happen to drop by Doha sometime in the future. (Though I don’t think I can let you couchsurf as my accommodation will be provided by the company), but let me be your cordial host at there.

I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to all who have played a role in helping me realize how privileged I am to have encountered the people from all walks of life.

Thank you very much for all and hope you have been faring well in somewhere on the globe.

On life and death

As a caveat, this might be just another transient reflection of my skewed perception toward life, and by no means organized or designed to get across any sensible messages. I just want to capture exactly how I feel before it fades away, and make it as my benchmark when I have to face similar circumstances.


Getting over the loss of someone close is always a challenge, especially because I’ve been fortunate to have only few experiences in this regard yet.


That happened to be my birthday this time. After having spent a cozily busy day, I logged into Facebook, expecting the inundation of birthday wishes with which I would have been ready to reply one by one otherwise, even knowing that’s just another tedious task for both sides (who sends and receives wishes). Utterly, out of the blue, it only took several messages before I stumbled upon a news of the tragedy that had befallen to my friend.

I don’t quite remember exactly how I felt at the initial moment, but skimming through the following messages with the same news, the hazy realization gradually sinks in.


It was and has been surreal. Recognizing that a person I had spent a memorable time with no longer exists, but it doesn’t feel any change had happened to my daily life, which continues to be characterized by slight ups and downs. This may be because of the geographical distance and the inversely proximate SNS presence, for good or bad. Particularly, I don’t like the fact that I have been quite functional in putting aside personal tragic news from my daily concerns that often nudge me to preoccupy myself with fulfilling time-sensitive agendas. Even after the night-long recollection of her upon the initial notification in the midnight, my life started as usual next morning except for the sleep-deprived mind. I was pretty much able to function normally, which seemed as if I hadn’t been unaffected at all and added up my self-disgust for prioritizing my daily agenda over a brief moment for commemorating the departed. 2 weeks has already passed since the news and I have been more and more consumed by my daily such and such, letting the memories fade in my mind.


Given the memories and inspirations she had bestowed upon my life, the loss should have been devastating, but there seems to be part of me who puts my day-to-day concerns above the loss. Simultaneously, knowing that at a certain point I have to get over, I don’t know when it should be, or whether I should “overcome” in the first place.


After all, the tragedies are so rife if I take a second to glance; all the while there are people dying out there for no apparent reason as well as insurmountable injustices that are beyond our control. Since the more proximate and emotionally invested the affected person is, the greater the loss is felt, I cannot deny that the loss of a person I have shared a greater time with evokes more emotions and commemoration than unidentified masses passing away across the globe everyday. Probably, this is because they are the ones who enriched my life more directly/visibly, thus my perceived gratitude and sense of loss should be accordingly greater. However, what bothers me is; after a while even the loss of someone close seems dwarfed by my daily preoccupations. No matter how hard I defy, “Myself” has been and will continue to be the prime concern for me, giving less regard for the deceased as the time progresses.

What I’m writing here might be just a disguised justification for sucking it up and moving on.

Granted, the sense of bereavement has been gradually ebbing, but I still have a feeling that cherishing silly moments of my life should be refrained. Perhaps, funeral is the threshold after which people might feel ok to move on, but being unable to attend it for the first time, I need some contemplation to replace the shared moment of commemoration.


I happen to be fortunate to have encountered only few losses, especially considering my age, but the chances would only grow as I get older.

It’s despicable to think that I might end up getting so accustomed/numb to seeing off the departed without paying the deserving tribute to them, but it’s likely that the loss felt for each pass-away will likely to diminish as I will have to face them more and more.


However over-sentimental and self-righteous I might be pretending to be, this is how I’ve been used to. Contemplation is futile when no action is accompanied, but that’s exactly what I excel at. And again, even in the face of bereavement, there is me whose preoccupations are centered around myself.

To alleviate this internal resistance, I will attempt to frame the concept differently, even though it is anticipated the egocentric view toward life would always stick around (what I’ve been dumping here is primarily for the sake of myself after all).

Since I am one of the privileged who have been relatively insulated from the miseries of life, and spending my life comfortably despite trivial grievances, there have always been nagging doubts against shrugging off others’ miseries and moving on. However, I seemed to have been too obsessed with not “shrugging off” others’ miseries just for the sake of making myself appear highly moral.

Given the irreversiblity of one’s death and pervasive misfortunes, getting caught up with what cannot be undone to the point of being unable to move on, is itself a miserable state neither side wants.

There is just so much that is out of my control, but I can still make things better incrementally. Simultaneously, it’s also true that at this moment I have little idea how I could take my part in giving back to the people who shaped me, nonetheless.

One thing I’ve been getting clearer is squandering opportunities by indulging in excessive reminiscence is not the optimal way for paying the tribute to the ones who have lost access to such opportunities.

The better alternative should be; embodying what they have inspired me by living my life to the fullest.

Leaving the definition of ‘fullest’ aside, this seems a much better way for commemorating and paying the respect for the departed and underprivileged whose presence had given me inspirations and remembrances.


As anticipated, It might have ended up becoming a pragmatic/feigned/incoherent justification for getting over the tragedy of others, but I firmly believe taking time for commemoration and condolences is something we should dedicate ourselves to when one passes away.


I did not want to let the mere passage of time to heal what has been emptied by her loss, so rather I dared to chronicle what I feel at this moment, and I hope this could serve as a reference point at which I can come back and keep myself going in the face of tough times so as to pass on what I’ve been inspired by her.