Qatar 2016

Snapshots from the last days in Doha (over the course of 3 years’ stay):

(typically bizzare shapes of) Doha Skyline
Grand Mosque
View from Grand Mosque
Iconic Sheraton at the edge of Corniche
2016 Asian Football Confederation (AFC) U-23 Asian Cup @ Doha
Japan won the final (@ 2016 AFC U-23 Asian Cup)
Climbing in Zekreet
Sunset @ Zekreet
Souq Waqif
Alleys in Souq (Market) Waqif
Main Street (usually crowded) in Souq Waqif


Qatar 2015

Having even fewer things to do after getting used to the life in Qatar, there is nothing much other than expanding my cooking universe, which has become delectable enough for self-serving purpose, but still lousy to be presented for others.  Some of non-cooking photos below:

Newly opened Al Wakrah Souq
Al Wakrah Souq
Aqua Park Qatar
Aqua Park Qatar
Random Smoothie
Jolibee (from a Food Franchise in Philippines) joining a birthday event
Shakshouka etc. Breakfast
Seafood Buffet @ Marriott
Qatar University
Grand Mosque
Grand Mosque from inside
Museum of Isramic Arts
Souq Qaqif
Falcon Hospital in Souq Qaqif
Dancing Qataris
Desert near Sealine Beach
Doha Skylines
Egyptian Dinner with a Canadian


Warped in translation
West Bay Skylines

Jordan 2014

20140515 – 20140521
Amman -Jerash – Wadi Musa/Petra – Adaba & Dead Sea
1 Jordan Dinar (JD) = approx. 0.7 USD

Lack of sleep and a cross-boarder call from a senior colleague who berated my poor handover, had sapped my enthusiasm for the travel at the outset.
Landscapes and hustles and bustles in an untravelled area is always worthy of witnessing, but the exhausted body was more fond of reaching the place to crush and sleep in Day1. Thanks to the well tendered nature of Jordanian, scammers are rare to be encountered, but frequent bystanders who are willing to help, but have no clue, have more exhausted me though.
As (East) Asian is nowhere to be seen, I also got used to be thrown the phrase of “Ni Hao”, or occasionally “Konnichiwa”.

City located north from Amman, and accessible by approx. 30 minutes car-ride (1-3 JD). Famous for the archeological site from Roman era.
Entrance Fee: 8JD (which I thought a bit too pricey)
It was impressive enough just to walk through remains, but it would have been certainly more memorable and educational had I retained what I crammed into my head for university Entrance exam back in 6 years ago.


Bus ride from Amman to Wadi Musa (Valley of Moses): 7 JD/one way.
Treasury – High Place of Sacrifice – Royal Tombs – Monastory
Entrance 1 day: 50 JD, 2 days: 55JD, 3 days: 60JD
1 day should suffice, but 2 days would allow more leeway in schedule.
Petra at Night: 12 JD, is to be better experienced than captured, especially for those who don’t have a posh camera. The night view was categorically stunning.

Dead Sea:
Amman – Madaba – Dead Sea (Amman Beach) – Amman: 20 JD.
2 hours is good for floating on Dead Sea. Again, it’s better to be felt on firsthand than captured in pictures.

Places visited:
Roman Theater
Rainbow street (where all well-offs and ang mo’s flock to)
Temporary souk (Souk JARA)
Sydney Hotel (Amman)
Sabaa Hotel (Wadi Musa)
Amman Citadel (whose sunset view is quite nice


Clueless in Doha 2013

The visual chronicle of a blunt life of a greenhorn who was transported to the city of ostentation with inchoate infrastructures, and still being clueless.

May 2013


West Bay, Doha
Cornische, Doha
Tornado Tower
Unduly colorful buildings
Queue to shopping mall
Ice Skating Rink inside “City Center”
“City Center” Entrance

On the surface, the city seems ostentatious, but a closer look reveals something further.
West Bay

Potentially fatal near miss

[Notes in June]
Having successfully, but not intentionally, failed to meet up with the expectations placed on me in terms of work performances, the workloads and mental pressure that had seemed ginormous in the last month, somehow seem manageable for now. The change has been so drastic that I am not sure whether I should celebrate or get disappointed.
Anyhow, the last 2 months has been long enough to transform the premonition I had: “I might not be able to flourish in the corporate world”, into a crystal-clear conviction. However, I wouldn’t let this realization hold me back, and at least I will try to minimize my helplessness so as not to affect work of others.
As for the private life, I have no life and I suppose this is how it should be for a clueless newbie who gets undeserved salary and fringe benefits, and contributes none: literally unblemished zero, to the increase of shareholder value of the company.

15 June 2013



It also rains in Doha, and the drainage is poor
Despite campaigning, there is practically & absolutely no speration of trash/garbage in Qatar. (電池も空瓶も生ゴミも一緒くたに捨てられる)






Except for major sites, address is non-existent in Qatar, so the specifying location is a bit tricky here.

Boutique Hotel in Souq Waqif

Souq Waqif @ Friday

Japan vs Iraq (2014 FIFA World Cup Asian Qualifier @ Al Arabi SC Stadium, 11-Jun 2013)

90 QAR (約 3,300円)


[Notes in July]
Contrary to my preference of being secluded from any off-the-job socialization, I have been obliged to attend with frequent outings or team building sessions with colleagues. Given the choice, I would probably somewhat distance myself from mingling with coworkers during non-office hours, but it has been pretty pleasant to have been around with the folks (of close age) from Japan. Self-imposed isolation seems to have been long enough for me to drop my pretense of being a social misfit. After all, I cherish being with people.
What I despise; however, when it comes to close interaction with people is that my flaws (too romanticized to call them as “foibles”) become plainly obvious and more accentuated in light of others.
This nagging disinclination of juxtaposing shabby myself next to the charms and graces of others, has been always around and prevented me from hopping onto social interplays that would have brought more serendipities otherwise.
All in all, this is the month I have come to recall the joy of getting in touch with people, and I dare to embrace all the troubles accompanying with it (at least for now).

28 July 2013


滞在先には範馬倅とMr. Unchainedがやりあったと思しき跡が散見される
初散髪@Musherib, Doha
A mixed feeling of apprehension and excitement. でも人生で2回だけ行った日吉の美容院に比べたらへっちゃら。隣に居たパキスタン人のおっちゃんにずっと中国人という体で話していたけど、帰り際に”じゃあなmy friend”と言ってくれたのがなんかほっこりした。20QR.

Musherib Development
Museum of Isramic Arts
I Thought Human Representation is banned, but some exception might apply
Aqua/Iron Man
It was before MERS pandemonium..
Sunrise behind a mock Fujiyama @ Fuwayri


Picture depicting human cruelty and vainglory..
First wedding invitation ever received.

Pictures on National Day (18-Dec)

National Day (18-Dec) Cornische
National Day (18-Dec) Souq Waqif
National Day (18-Dec) Firework




Emir Succession in Qatar

Emir succession announced on 25 June 2013. National Holiday ensued. Youngest Emir ever among GCC countries at the age of 33.