正しい有給の使い方 / Super-Sento during a paid leave

  • As a salaryman who used to gladly dedicate everything to the benefit of company (which is no longer the case though), it gives me a sense of immorality to take a paid-leave for no particular reason.
  • This is especially true if the leave day is spent for indulging myself in a super-sento (public bath) all day long, while knowing evereone else is stuck in the office.
  • Spa/sento/onsen facilities reveal their true potential only when enjoyed for a whole day long (instead of 2-3 hours, which seems rather long in many circumstances).


Pantheistic New Year’s Day 2018

Traditionally, it is a custom for Japanese families to get together around year-end/new-year at their home town (usually children who moved out of their home town are supposed to come back) and pay a visit to some local shrine or temple for the new year prayer. What is particular in Japan is: this new-year prayer is more cultural than religious/spritual.

Granted many of us stumble upon Shintoist/Buddhist (as the 2 most predominant religions in Japan) events along the course of our life (e.g. marriage, child-birth, funeral etc), but the majority of Japanese don’t feel affiliated with any religion, and not necessarily conscious of religious gestures/implications of such events.

The same is true for me, and the followings are some snapshots of my new-year day and they would give some idea on how non-selective we could be when it comes to scratching the surface of religions (without commiting rigorously)

Yasukuni Shrine (靖国神社)

Yasukuni Shrine 靖国神社

晩白柚 (Citrus grandis)

Bampeiyu: Citrus grandis from Kumamoto 晩白柚 (熊本産)

St. Mary’s Cathedral

Replica of Our Lady of Lourdes
St. Mary’s Cathedral

Gokokuji Temple (護国寺)

Gokokuji Temple 護国寺




2018年1月1日  1:00~4:00頃:


