Trigger (of starting this blog):
Combination of following chain of events/circumstances that pushed me to start something new:
- Obscure, yet growing sense of urgency for letting the life pass me by. (aka. quarter life crisis)
- My diminishing memory capacity, which nowadays prevents me from recollecting what I ate in the last evening.
- Changing life circumstances (e.g. marriage, having a baby, growing old/sick, passing etc.) of people close to me, which reminds me of the transience of life.
- Growing preoccupation with rock climbing and chronicling its progress (or non-progress, more often than not), which had intensified my pre-existing penchant for recording trivial details of everything.
- Deteriorated motivation for work (after the failed attempt to negotiate the salary increase + conversion to non-contract employment status), which had inclined me to dedicate more of my mental resource and time to workplace distractions/daydreaming.
Intent (as of Dec. 2017):
- Compilation of encyclopedia of my first-hand experiences and thoughts (which are more or less influenced by secondhand input from others) to capture whatever ephemeral/frivolous muses that would otherwise go un-externalized (therefore forgotten).
- Archive of thoughts and records related to rock climbing.
- Nonchalantly attempt to establish an alternative revenue source to supplement my meager wage as a disenfranchised contract worker (who failed to step onto the path for becoming a conventional Salaryman with a dedicated loyalty and guaranteed life time employment)
- Reactive/Proactive treatment for my supposedly premature, but increasingly manifest amnesia & recurring insomnia (which often prompts mind-wandering before falling asleep at night)
- Avenue for ventilating highly skewed views for no other reason than satisfying my ego
- Improve (or mitigate the decline of) my English writing skills.
- しょうもない思考の足跡を、そう遠くない将来愛でるための土台造り(という名の暇つぶし)
- 記憶の外注(ワード検索できるのは中々に将来重宝すると思う)
- 岩登り(ロッククライミング)関連の備忘録&登攀録の充実
- あわよくば副収入創出 (しがない雇われ人: 派遣社員から脱却を図るための消極的試行錯誤)
- 健忘症と不眠症への対処/予備療法(気になる事があると中々寝付けない)
- 拗らせてしまった承認欲求の解消
- 英文Writing Skillの研鑽(というと聞こえが良いので最後に持ってくる)
1st Blog Post