Having functioned as a corporate soldier for an organization that manifests itself with a modest-to-blatant bureaucracies, I have always wondered why there seems to be some penchant for deploying 3rd party consultant/specialist even though the services/deliverables offered from them are somewhere between mediocre to lousy, to say the least, and obviously unworthy of paying sizeable money.
The simple truth is that clients (or representatives of the org) are incentivized to hedge the risk of messing up (and subjected to criticism) when/if management decision takes an unfortunate turn by translating/relegating the ownership of such decisions to some 3rd party who would gladly takes the blame as long as the deal is already done.
As “idea is cheap and execution is everything” rings true, it was always baffling to me why behemoth organizations seem to cluelessly count on the “ideas” of consultancies, but now it became clear to me the execution of “undertaking a scapegoat role” is what the money is actually paid for.
一番大事な「遂行」(有象無象の野次の中なんとかやり遂げる)義務も無いのに、何故官僚機構/大企業 etc. がコンサル起用に御執心なのかと今まで不思議だったが、何のことは無く、経営/組織(及びをそれらを代表する個人/集団)がリスク取りたくないから、有事の際の責任転嫁/リスクヘッジ先として起用しているだけ。別に個人のポケットからお金払う訳ではないから、組織(を担う代表)としては、何かトラブルが起きた場合でも安心を担保できるスケープゴートを雇えるのは、捨て金としては賢い使い方だし、コンサル側も憎まれ役を買って出さえすれば泥臭い遂行を担う必要も無い、相互にとってハッピーな状況。